Publications | Book chapters (selection) | |||
‘On the Dancers or Devadasis: Jacob Haafner’s Account of the Eighteenth-Century Indian Temple Dancers,’ in Music, Dance and the Art of Seduction, ed. Frank Kouwenhoven and James Kippen, Delft: Eburon, 2013: 233-60, 356-65, 415-21. ‘Zonder praktijk geen theorie: Over onderzoek naar niet-westerse muziek,’ in Resonanties: Verkenningen tussen kunsten en wetenschappen, red. Marcel Cobussen, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2011: 42-52. ‘Introduction,’ in Hindustani Music: Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries, ed. Joep Bor et al., New Delhi: Manohar and Codarts, 2010: 11-32 (with Françoise ‘Nalini’ Delvoye, Jane Harvey and Emmie te Nijenhuis). ‘Hindustani Music: An Historical Overview of the Modern Period,’ in Hindustani Music: Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries, ed. Joep Bor et al., New Delhi: Manohar and Codarts, 2010: 197-220 (with Allyn Miner). ‘Early Indian Bowed Instruments and the Origin of the Bow,’ in Hindustani Music: Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries, ed. Joep Bor et al., New Delhi: Manohar and Codarts, 2010: 431-58. ‘De muziek en dans van de exotische mens,’ in Something else: Het kunstvakonderwijs in 2015, Rotterdam: Codarts, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, 2009: 39-45. ‘Ragas and Talas at Codarts: Rotterdam Music Conservatory,’ in Changing Images: Lasting Visions, India and the Netherlands, ed. Neelam D. Sabharwal, The Hague: Embassy of India, 2008: 153-56. ‘Mamia, Ammani and Other Bayadères: Europe’s Portrayal of India’s Temple Dancers,’ in Music and Orientalism in the British Empire, 1780s–1940s: Portrayal of the East, ed. Martin Clayton and Bennett Zon, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007: 39-70; rpt. in Bharatanatyam: A Reader, ed. Davesh Soneji, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010: 13-49. ‘Lectoraat Wereldmuziek,’ in Opleiden in de multiculturele samenleving: Een bijdrage aan de dialoog in het hoger beroepsonderwijs, Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam en Stichting Mobiliteitsfonds HBO, 2006: 57-61. ‘Introduction,’ in Gloire des princes, louange des dieux: Patrimoine musical de l’Hindoustan du XIVe au XXe siècle, ed. Joep Bor and Philippe Bruguière, Paris: RMN and Musée de la Musique, 2003: 13-15 (with Philippe Bruguière). ‘Des premiers sultanats à l’empire Moghol,’ in Gloire des princes, louange des dieux: Patrimoine musical de l’Hindoustan du XIVe au XXe siècle, ed. Joep Bor and Philippe Bruguière, Paris: RMN and Musée de la Musique, 2003: 16-55. ‘Bardes et baladins,’ in Gloire des princes, louange des dieux: Patrimoine musical de l’Hindoustan du XIVe au XXe siècle, ed. Joep Bor and Philippe Bruguière, Paris: RMN and Musée de la Musique, 2003: 110-51. ‘Toward a Global View on Music: Indian Music at the Rotterdam Conservatory,’ in Indische Musik in Deutschland: Gegenwart und Zukunft,ed. Jens Eckert, Aachen: Shaker, 1998: 173-88; also in Seminar on Teaching of Indian Music, ITC-Sangeet Research Academy, Mumbai, 1998: 107-120. ‘Studying World Music: The Next Phase,’ in Teaching Musics of the World: The Second International Symposium, Basel, 14-17 October 1993, ed. M. Lieth-Philipp and A. Gutzwiller, Affalterbach: Philipp Verlag, 1995: 61-81. [ pdf] ‘Social Status of Bowers, Musicians and Dancers,’ in Sociology of Oriental Music: A Reader, ed. O.P. Joshi, Jaipur: Illustrated Book Publishers, 1992: 270-94; rpt. Jaipur: ABD Publishers, 2004. ‘De muziekboog: Legende en geschiedenis van een oud Indiaas strijkinstrument,’ in Serendipiteit: De paradox van de ongezochte vondst, ed. André Klukhuhn, Utrecht: Buro Studium Generale van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1982: 33-55. ‘Musiker mit Bogenharfe,’ in Musikgeschichte in Bildern: Altindien, vol. 2 (8), ed. Walter Kaufmann, gen. ed. Werner Bachmann, Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1981: 164-66. |